Under water abyss survival wawlkthrought
Under water abyss survival wawlkthrought

Lansdale betrayed Excella and kept the virus to himself. The Abyss' infection speed is greater than even the t-Virus. In oral consumption of water containing the virus, the probability of infection is significantly lower (a detail which comes into play with the survivors of the Queen Dido, covered later). It also causes host body fluids to be rapidly metabolized, and when transferred through blood there is a 99.76% probability of infection. The Abyss converts the host's body fat and liquid into strong muscle and bone, creating a high-density frame capable of withstanding extreme pressure. This indicates that the Abyss is not only very old, but that it influenced the development of ancient fish. It is believed Acanthodii went extinct around 250 million years ago, while Placodermi went extinct around 358.9 million years ago.

under water abyss survival wawlkthrought

This is further supported by the appearance of Abyss fish hosts – they (and Ghiozzo) take on traits similar to those seen on both Acanthodii and Placodermi, prehistoric fish.

under water abyss survival wawlkthrought

But since marine mutations caused by Progenitor are minimal, perhaps it, the Veronica, and the Abyss are actually all variants of the same virus, with each strain adapting to its respective environments/hosts. Since Progenitor can infect both insects and fish, however, and because its potential to create new animals is unlimited, it is safe to assume Progenitor's role was more universal. Because of this, it is believed that like Progenitor and the Veronica Virus, the Abyss was involved in the development of life in the ocean.

Under water abyss survival wawlkthrought